Baby refusing bottle and baby crying during bottle feeding

Why Is My Baby Rejecting the Bottle?

Why is the baby rejecting the bottle?

Baby bottle refusal refers to the situation where a baby refuses to take a bottle, despite being hungry or in need of nutrition. This can happen for a variety of reasons, such as preference for breastfeeding, discomfort with the taste or smell of formula, dislike of the bottle nipple, or discomfort in the mouth due to teething. It can also occur when a baby is going through a developmental stage where they prefer to feed themselves. Baby bottle refusal can be stressful for parents and caregivers, as it can make it difficult to provide the baby with the nutrition they need. Also, it may be extremely scary when maternity leave is coming to an end.

There are several reasons why a baby may reject bottles:

The baby may prefer the comfort and familiarity of breastfeeding. The baby may not like the taste or smell of the formula or breastmilk.

The baby may not like the type or shape of the bottle nipple. Bottle nipples comes in different shapes and sizes and some are hard to suckle from, which causes frustration in the baby. Most babies accepts the slope angle nipples.


Babies sometimes may be tongue-tied and this may get overlooked, but it plays a part in breastfeeding and bottle feeding. It is important to try different types of bottles and nipples and to make sure the milk is at the right temperature. Also, it may be helpful to have someone other than the primary caregiver offer the bottle to the baby to establish trust and comfort with the new feeding method.

How to introduce a bottle to a baby?

Start early: Introduce the bottle as early as possible( especially if you will be returning back to work) while they are still young and adaptable.

Timing is key: Offer the bottle when the baby is calm and not too hungry or too full.

Use expressed breast milk or formula: Babies may be more likely to accept a bottle if it contains the same milk they are used to from breastfeeding. To prevent spilled milk of your expensive formula or precious liquid gold,we suggest Tunkie & bottle holder during your bottle feeding & prepping strategy.

Try different types of bottles and nipples: Some babies may prefer certain types of bottles or nipples, so it's important to experiment with different options.

Make it a relaxing experience: Hold the baby in a comfortable position and make sure the environment is calm and quiet. Have Tunkie & Co. bottle holder nearby to rest down the bottle inside and bond with baby. Once bottle is in the holder it won't be knocked over to cause spilled milk. Be patient: It may take some time and patience for the baby to get used to the bottle. Keep trying and don't give up too soon.

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